Graham Woan

ISBN: 0 521 57507 9 (paperback)

The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas is a quick reference aid for students and professionals in the physical sciences and engineering.  It contains around 2000 of the most useful formulas and equations found in undergraduate physics courses, covering mathematics, dynamics and mechanics, quantum physics, thermodynamics, solid state physics, electromagnetism, optics and astrophysics.  An exhaustive index allows for rapid access to the required equation, and the unique tabular format ensures that all the variables used in each equation are clearly identified and described. Special features:
  • Unique tabular format gives a quick reference to formulas and their context
  • Exhaustive index
  • Uniform nomenclature throughout, using SI units
  • Conversion information for other units, particularly between SI and cgs
  • Compact and portable
  • Suitable for physics, astronomy, mathematics, engineering and other physical sciences courses
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